West Nile Virus Outbreak Spikes

    It’s why people are more nervous when they hear a mosquito buzzing around. This year’s West Nile Virus outbreak is one of the worst ever with a lot of the cases in the past week alone.

    FOX News Radio’s Courtney Kealy reports:

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention saying that so far 1,118 illnesses have been reported, about half of them in Texas, and four times the usual number of cases for this time of year.

    Dallas County officials say early results from spraying are positive and the spraying will continue for the next two weeks, but that residents in areas that aren’t being sprayed should not worry if they see the planes.

    (Official) “The planes factor in wind speed and direction as they calculate what we call an offset. It could literally be spraying up to two miles away.”

    About 400 of the cases were reported in the last week.

    Courtney Kealy, FOX News Radio.