Drew Peterson Denied Mistrial Again

    A second mistrial motion has been rejected in the Drew Peterson murder trial.

    FOX News Radio’s Jennifer Keiper reports from Chicago:

    Drew Peterson is on trial for the murder of his third wife, Kathleen Savio. A prosecution witness suggested that Peterson may have put a bullet in his driveway to intimidate him. The defense called for a mistrial.

    The judge questioned whether the former police sergeant could get a fair trial, but has decided that a mistrial is too severe.

    Defense attorney Joe Lopez says there’ve been two calls for mistrials since this trial started on Tuesday.

    (Lopez) “I’ve tried over 100 jury cases I’ve never seen this before. I spoke to colleagues.They haven’t seen anything like this. This case has been different since the day it got indicted.”

    Peterson has pleaded not guilty to killing his third wife in 2004. He’s suspected, but not charged, in the disappearance of his fourth wife Stacy in 2007.

    In Chicago, Jennifer Keiper, FOX News Radio.