Fatal Beating of Chicago Man Posted on Facebook, Teens Charged

A Chicago father of 12 has been killed and three teenagers are now charged with first-degree murder.
FOX News Radio’s Jennifer Keiper reports from Chicago:
Delphino Mora was looking for a little extra cash, collecting cans in an alley when he was approached by some teenagers.
Police say not only did they beat the 62-year-old man to death, but posted the video on Facebook. A friend of one of the victims’ sons found it.
Emmanuel Mora, one of Delphino Mora’s 12 children, says some kids appear to have lost their way and he encourages parents…
(Mora) “To be more, more in contact with their kids so they don’t come out and destroy their lives this way by killing people.”
Mora, who suffered blunt head trauma, had been disabled because of a work injury.
In Chicago, Jennifer Keiper, FOX News Radio.