Flesh-Eating Bacteria Victim Leaves Hospital
A Georgia woman afflicted by a flesh-eating bacteria has finally been released from the hospital.
FOX News Radio’s Dave Anthony reports:
Aimee Copeland was at first, given a slim chance to survive. Monday she left Doctors Hospital in Augusta, Georgia, two months after a zipline accident left her with a cut that got infected by a rare flesh-eating bacteria:
(Father) “Her fingers basically appear mummified.”
That was her father Andy watching her deteriorate back in May:
(Father) “And it makes me shake to think about it.”
In the end both hands her left leg and right foot were amputated and the 24-year-old endured painful skin grafts amid an outporing of support from her friends:
(Friend) “Amy’s just a great girl. She’s a shining light in the lives of everyone that she’s touched.”
Copeland is now in rehab to learn how to use a wheelchair and then get prosthetics.
Dave Anthony, FOX News Radio.