Securing America: Happy Birthday, Soldiers!

Today is Flag Day, June 14th.  But it’s also a very special day for one branch of our Armed Forces.  Happy Birthday to all those are “being all they can be.”

FOX News Radio’s Steve Taylor reports from Washington in our ongoing series on national security:

Securing America.

It was on June 14, 1775 that the Continental Congress officially adopted the troops that soon were to be fighting the British in Massachusetts.  Three weeks later, General George Washington was in command.  Secretary of the Army John McHugh says June 14th is:

(Sec. McHugh) “A celebration of the resiliency of the American soldier, and the great willingness of these largely young men and women to step forward, knowing what to expect, and still saying who I will serve.”

It’s also Flag Day, so proclaimed by President Woodrow Wilson on June 14, 1916.

In Washington, Steve Taylor, FOX News Radio.