VA Teachers Cancel Homework; Blame Budget, Paper Shortage

It’s every kid’s dream: no more homework! Some Virginia 2nd-graders who thought that dream was coming true are now having their hopes dashed, after what school officials are calling a “misunderstanding.”
FOX News Radio’s Chris Hoenig explains:
Stafford County Schools spokeswoman Valerie Cottongim calls it an…
(Cottongim) “…Unfortunate use of words.”
…Adding the principal had asked the teachers to use more technology and less paper.
(Cottongim) “It was probably not explained as well as it might have been.”
Parents showed up at the school Wednesday with paper donations.
(Parent) “As a parent, that can be very discouraging.”
They were turned away. The principal is calling and emailed parents, finding paperless ways to explain the situation.
Chris Hoenig, FOX News Radio.