Sleep Problems Linked To Weight Problems

    The first study to examine sleep behavior in a completely controlled laboratory environment, mimicking jet lag and shift work over time, shows the unhealthy effects the lack of sleep can have on a person.

    FOX News Radio’s Bill Vitka reports:

    So what exactly happens when you don’t get enough sleep?

    Irregular sleep, when our body clock is disrupted, may put us at greater risk of obesity and diabetes.

    When you work the night shift for example, and don’t get your zzzz’s, the body’s metabolic rate slows-down, the rate at which the body burns calories while at rest.

    Over the course of the a year, that adds about 10 pounds to the waistline.

    The research at Brigham and Women’s Hospital also says too little sleep raises blood sugar levels and that could be an invitation to diabetes and a maze of long-term health problems.

    Bill Vitka, FOX News Radio.