Romney Sweeps DC, MD, WI Primaries

Mitt Romney takes away wins in the Republican presidential primaries in Maryland, Wisconsin and Washington, D.C., completing a clean sweep Tuesday night.

FOX News Radio’s Rich Johnson reports from Washington:

Romney didn’t even mention Rick Santorum in his speech last night from Milwaukee, choosing to devote his full attention to President Obama.

(Romney) “You know, out of touch liberals like Barack Obama say they want a strong economy. But in everything they do, they show they don’t like business very much.”

Meanwhile, Rick Santorum, as he has in the past couple of primary nights, chose to head home to the steel country of western Pennsylvania and portray himself as:

(Santorum) “Someone whose convictions are also forged in steel, not on an etch-a-sketch.”

But it’s a steep hill for Santorum to climb after Romney’s wins yesterday in Maryland, DC, and Wisconsin.

In Washington, Rich Johnson, FOX News Radio.

MORE: With wins in all three races, Romney is significantly solidifying his front-runner status in the Republican race, leaving Santorum an increasingly distant second.  Even further behind are Ron Paul, who will finish third in Wisconsin, and Newt Gingrich, who will finish fourth.

In DC, a winner-take-all contest, Romney will capture all 16 of the delegates that are up for grabs tonight.  The additional delegates from Maryland and Wisconsin put him over the halfway point in the race to 1,144 and the clinching of the GOP Presidential nomination.