Film “Bully” To Be Released Unrated
An anti-bullying film will be released without a rating, making it more accessible to the audience it’s made for, kids.
FOX News Radio’s Sabrina Sabbagh reports:
(Movie Audio) “They punch me, strangle me, take things from me.”
“Bully” follows five kids and families over the course of one school year, and Kelby Johnson is in the film.
(Johnson) “I hope it makes our genration realize that we can step and we can say we’re not going to deal with this anymore.”
The film was given an R-rating by the Motion Picture Association of America, but Director Lee Hirsch says they’ve decided to release it as unrated, instead.
(Hirsch) “Now we gotta go to work and we gotta stop bullying and we gotta make a difference. And we wanna just get out there and make some change.”
Without a rating, it will be up to theater owners to determine whether or not they show the film, which will be released Friday.
Sabrina Sabbagh, FOX News Radio.