Naked NH Man Hit With Shovel After Breaking Into Couple’s Apartment

    Maybe he was drunk.  Maybe he was just looking for pants.  Either way, a New Hampshire couple got a rude reminder this weekend that, despite their welcome mat outside their front door, maybe not everyone is quite so welcome in their home.

    FOX News Radio’s Chris Hoenig has the story:

    Lindsay Bolton was sleeping on her Manchester, New Hampshire couch, when something strange woke her up.

    (Bolton) “I could smell, like, the liquor.”

    When she looked over…

    (Bolton) “He’s, like, standing next to me, like, excited…not dressed.  Really creeped me out.”

    Police say “he” is 31-year-old Joseph O’Shea, who barged into the apartment – sans pants – Sunday night.  Bolton yelled for her boyfriend, Derek McNutt, who was asleep in the bedroom.

    (McNutt) “I didn’t really say anything.  I just attacked him and did what I had to do.”

    McNutt says O’Shea tried to hit him with a wrench, so he swung back with vice grips and a shovel.  Neighbors eventually helped force O’Shea out, and police used his clothing description…or lack thereof…to catch up with him a short time later.

    Chris Hoenig, FOX News Radio.