AEHQ: Obama Administration to Release Movie
“Game Change,” the HBO movie about John McCain, Sarah Palin and the 2008 elections, debuts this weekend. �But next week, the Obama re-election campaign will attempt a Hollywood makeover of the President’s record in office.
FOX News Radio White House Correspondent Mike Majchrowitz reports from the West Wing:
From America’s Election Headquarters…
(Hanks) “Do we look at the day’s headlines, or do we remember what we, as a country, have been through?”
…That’s the challenge posed by Oscar winner Tom Hanks in the short Hollywood film being released by the Obama campaign next week. �Obama campaign Press Secretary Ben Labolt explains the premise:
(Labolt) “It’s about the tough calls the President has made over the past three years in the face of historic challenges.”
Republican Party Spokesperson Kirsten Kurkowski says it’s another example of a star-struck President.
(Kurkowski) “It’s, you know, obviously all of the Hollywood influence. �It’s true to President Obama’s style that we’ve seen over the last several years.”
Kurkowski says it says a lot about the President’s accomplishments, that it would only fill a 17-minute movie.
At the White House, Mike Majchrowitz, FOX News Radio.