MA Woman Told She Can’t Vote Because She’s Dead

We’ve heard voter fraud stories about dead people being listed as alive and somehow voting in elections.  But imagine the surprise a Massachusetts woman got when she ended up in the opposite situation.

FOX News Radio’s Chris Hoenig explains:

Maureen McCloskey arrived at her Fall River, Massachusetts voting location on Super Tuesday, but couldn’t cast her ballot.

(McCloskey) “They had me on the deceased list.”

There was just one problem with that.

(McCloskey) “I’m alive and I’m kickin’.”

A census mix-up caused the 84-year-old to be marked as dead on the voter rolls, delaying her ability to vote in the Democratic primary.  McCloskey says it was a shock, especially since obits are the first thing she reads in the daily papers.

(McCloskey) “I didn’t even find my name on the obituary page.”

Election officials have ironed out all the problems, but McCloskey says she’s unsure she wants to go through the hassle again.

Chris Hoenig, FOX News Radio.