Housecall for Health: Early Allergy Season

The warmer winter may have meant not having to break your back shoveling snow or layering up to dig out your car…but it also means you might be fighting allergies a lot sooner.

FOX’s Colleen Cappon reports in today’s “Housecall for Health”:

Get your tissues ready!  Thanks to unseasonably mild weather, allergy season has come early this year.  Allergists from the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology says that for many, allergy symptoms have started a whole month ahead of schedule.

Some studies show that pollen season is not only getting earlier, but the pollen itself is getting more potent.  So, if you haven’t started taking your preventative allergy meds, experts say you may want to get right to it.

Housecall for Health, I’m Colleen Cappon, FOX News Radio.