FOX on Tech: iPad 3 to Debut March 7th?

Apple has an event scheduled for March 7th, and indications point to the possibility of the introduction of the iPad 3.

FOX News Radio’s Lisa Lacerra has more:

The Cupertino, California-based company, sending out invitations – with an image showing part of an iPad screen – for an event next week.  Apple which is notoriously secretive, not providing any details of the new device.  Some reports say the screen resolution will be sharper and it will have faster broadband options.

Since the first iPad came out two years ago, sales of traditional computers have slowed in the U.S. and other countries, and rival companies haven’t come up with a viable competitor.

It’s not yet known when the new iPad will be available.  Last year, the iPad 2 went on sale nine days after the announcement.

Lisa Lacerra, FOX News Radio.