Late Flu Season

    Have you had the flu yet this season? If not, you’re not alone. However, doctors are warning you’re not out of the woods just yet.

    FOX News Radio’s Jared Halpern reports from Washington DC:

    (Movie clip) “He doesn’t have a fever, but he says his stomach hurts and he’s seeing spots.”

    It’s been a tough winter for ‘Ferris Bueller’ inspired sick days.

    (Movie clip) “They Bought It!”

    Because so far, cases of influenza are far and few between.

    Dr Bresee: “In fact, this is the latest start to flu season in 29 years.”

    Doctor Joseph Bresee warns cases of the flu are starting to increase, and sometimes peak flu activity hits as late as March or April.

    Dr Bresee: “We can’t predict the timing of peak activity in the United States, nor when the season will end, nor can we predict how severe the season will ultimately be.”

    Doctors at The Centers for Disease Control say if you haven’t yet, it’s still not too late to get a flu shot.

    Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.