Securing America: Worldwide Travel Warning

The State Department is out with its latest advisory for Americans abroad.  And this time they’re urging caution to Americans traveling or living anywhere in the world.

FOX News Radio’s Lisa Brady reports in our ongoing series on national security:

They call it a “worldwide caution,” and State Department Spokeswoman Beth Gosselin says no one incident prompted the update only six months since the last one.

(Gosselin) “We’re constantly concerned about the continued threat of terrorist attacks, demonstrations and other violent actions against U.S. citizens in interests overseas.”

…A diplomatic way of saying Americans can become targets, even in venues and countries generally considered friendly.

(Gosselin) “Current information suggests al-Qaeda, its affiliate organizations and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks against U.S. and Western interests in Europe.”

Their advice: be vigilant and aware, and they urge Americans visiting or living abroad to register in the State Department’s “Smart Traveler” program.

Lisa Brady, FOX News Radio.