Housecall for Health: Winter Workout Tips
With the weather finally colder, it can be hard to find a way to exercise comfortably.
FOX’s Colleen Cappon reports on some of the many ways to protect yourself in today’s “Housecall for Health”:
Dark and cold winter days can really wreak havoc on your fitness routine. �But, according to the American Council on Exercise, it’s easy to dress for workout success:
- Wear many light layers that won’t soak up sweat.
- Always wear a hat: half of your body heat is lost through your head.
- Good quality gloves and socks are a must because extremities get cold first.
But the ACE warns that sometimes it truly is just too cold outside, and it is best to stay in.
Housecall for Health, I’m Colleen Cappon, FOX News Radio.