From POW to Pupil: Jessica Lynch Graduates College

    She made headlines as a Prisoner of War, rescued in a dramatic operation in Iraq.  Today, she receives her college diploma.

    FOX News Radio’s Chris Hoenig reports:

    Jessica Lynch was just 19 when the world first saw her: a broken, blonde soldier on a stretcher, rescued after being captured in Iraq.  Nine years later, she’s a veteran, a mom to a 5-year-old, and – as of today – a college grad.

    She once worried about fitting in at West Virginia University.

    (Lynch) “I’m the only 20-year-old walking around with a cane, people can’t really miss me.”

    Now, Lynch is used to getting attention, though she’s still haunted by memories of her capture in an ambush that killed 11 of her fellow soldiers.

    (Lynch) “Everyday I look at the cane, or my arms or legs…I think I think back to that day.”

    Lynch plans to start teaching after accomplishing her next goal: getting a master’s degree, which she’ll start next year.

    Chris Hoenig, FOX News Radio.