VIRAL VIDEOS: Week of December 2nd

Here�s what�s going viral now on Facebook:

�Family Home Destroyed by Avalanche � Children to Blame.�

They�re turning your house into a Winter Wonderland, mom.� This mom wasn�t feeling well, and probably felt a little worse when she emerged from the bathroom to discover her two little tykes had done some redecorating�thanks to a 5 pound bag of flour.� There is flour everywhere.� On top of the TV.� On the door.� On chairs, even on pictures hanging high up on the wall.� The kids are playing in the powder, wearing the empty bag on their head and sliding around, blissfully unaware of the mayhem they have caused.

Then there�s�this:

�Chevy True Stories � �My Dad�s Car� Extended � Chevrolet.�

This �65 Chevy Impala is more than just a car to Herb Younger�� So Younger�s two sons go on a quest to find their dad�s old car 20 years after it�s sold�but they�re always 2 steps behind.� After a 5-year search, they find it.� And this past September, the Younger�s surprised their dad in Redondo Beach, CA�� The touching story is the basis for a new Chevy commercial, living up to the company�s motto: �Chevy Runs Deep.�

Finally, Facebook users are hitting the like button on:

�Annoying�Orange � Party Rock (ft. DeStorm).�

The Annoying Orange and his pals are back with their take on LMFAO�s �Party Rock Anthem.� ��The lyrics are adjusted to make them fruit-appropriate, as Orange and friends dance�if you can call it that�and sing along to the tune.� The party�s over when one of them meets an untimely end on the kitchen counter, however.

For these videos and more, go to

For Lauren Faulkner, I�m Kirstin McNary, and those are your Facebook Status Updates from FOX News Radio.