FOX on Tech: Santa Tracking App
The network of fighter jets, Santa-cams, radar and satellites that tracks Santa every Christmas Eve is getting some high-tech help to make it easier for you to follow along.
FOX News Radio’s Chris Hoenig has details in this “FOX on Tech”:
Want to know exactly where Santa is as he delivers gifts this Christmas?
“There’s an app for that.”
NORAD – the North American Aerospace Defense Command – is debuting their first-ever Santa tracking app this year. �The military organization has been watching St. Nick’s every move since 1955, and got a record number of calls and emails last year wanting to know what the big guy was up to. �The free app includes an elf toss game, but U.S. Air Force Maj. Jim Collins says it’s not just for our benefit.
(Collins) “He’s also running a little low on cookies. �So we need to make sure that people, here especially in North America, are very careful about leaving lots of cookies and milk for him, and of course carrots for the reindeer.”
Chris Hoenig, FOX News Radio.