FOX on Tech: iPhone 4S Battery Problems

Apple’s new gadgets are typically considered the “latest and greatest.”  But some of the millions who have bought the latest and greatest are finding a glitch in keeping their new iPhones turned on.

FOX News Radio’s Chris Hoenig has details in this “FOX on Tech”:

Apple’s commercials call it…

“The most amazing iPhone yet.”

But does the iPhone 4S have an issue with its battery?

Customers have been posting online that battery life on the new version isn’t anywhere near what it is on the iPhone 4.  A thread on Apple’s website about it has more than 2,600 replies and more than 170,000 views.

It may be a software problem from something in the iOS5 operating system, its new processor or its system-wide notification system.  One partial fix: turning off the phone’s need to constantly check what time zone it’s in.

Chris Hoenig, FOX News Radio.