Taken Down: Supreme Court Denies Appeal of Utah Crosses Honoring Slain Troopers

    They gave their lives in the line of duty, and their police department chose to honor them with crosses along a highway in Utah.  But now the U.S. Supreme Court is turning away an appeal from supporters of the tribute, keeping a lower court’s order that they be removed.

    FOX News Radio’s Jared Halpern reports from Washington:

     The Utah Highway Patrol Association has been erecting crosses along Utah highways for more than a dozen years, tributes to fallen officers.  But a federal appeals court ruled them unconstitutional, siding with Atheist groups that filed suit.

    Supreme Court justices voted 8-1 today against hearing an appeal.  Justice Clarence Thomas dissented, writing the case could have helped clear up confusion about the 1st Amendment’s prohibition of government-established religion.

    In Washington, Jared Halpern, FOX News Radio.