VIRAL VIDEOS: Week of October 21st

Here’s what’s going viral now on Facebook:

“Oskar the Blind Kitten Versus Hair Dryer – Epic Cat Battle.”

Meet Oskar, a five-month-old kitten who can’t really see…but can definitely feel.  His owner turns on a hair dryer, and that means play time for the kitty, who tries desperately to get a hold of that warm breeze.  When his paws won’t grab it, he tries with his mouth, all while propped up on his hind legs.  Unfortunately for Oskar, his attempts…well, they’re nothing but an airball.

Then there’s this:

“A Magazine is an iPad That Doesn’t Work.”

Who says iPads are for adults?  This 1-year-old might not be able to do much with the Apple tablet, but she can slide the screen back and forth, and see her own face in the background… But when you give her a regular old magazine…well, that’s when things start heading south.  She slides her fingers around the pages, but nothing changes, nothing moves… I guess we really do live in a digital age.

Finally, Facebook users are hitting the like button on:

“Nicki Minaj – Super Bass by Sophia Grace Brownlee.”

This tyke, tiara and all, belts out “Super Bass” by Nicki Minaj.  She may mumble her way through chunks of the lyrics…  But when it comes to the chorus, she’s loud and proud…  So does she nail it?  We’ve reported, now you decide…

For these videos and more, go to

For Lauren Faulkner, I’m Kirstin McNary and those are your Facebook Status Updates on FOX News Radio.