FOX on Tech: iPhone 4S Sales Hit 4M

The latest iPhone got a lot of complaints from people who were hoping for more when it was introduced…but you’d never know it by the sales figures.  They’re selling like hotcakes iPhones.

FOX News Radio’s Jessica Rosenthal has details in this “FOX on Tech”:

I guess we’ll be hearing a lot more of this ((iPhone ring tones)).  Apple says since its Friday release, they’ve sold more than four million iPhone 4S’.  They had announced the new phone just hours before Apple founder Steve Jobs died.

Many had expressed disappointment with the phone, saying it seemed like just a simple upgrade – aside from Siri, the voice-recognizing assistant.  But clearly, the buyers outdid – or at least outspent – the complainers.

Separately, Apple says more than 25 million customers are now using iOS5, and more than 20 million customers have signed up for iCloud.

Jessica Rosenthal, FOX News Radio.

CLICK HERE for more on Apple’s iPhone 4S.