FOX on Tech: iPhone 5

With the way technology changes so quickly these days, it seems like it takes no time at all for your ultra-hip cell phone to become so yesterday.  And for Apple’s iPhone 4, that day may be coming soon with the expected unveiling of the iPhone 5 on Tuesday.

FOX News Radio’s Jeff Monosso has more in this “FOX on Tech”:

Fifteen months after Apple introduced the iPhone 4, they’re set, we’re told, to unveil the iPhone 5 at Apple Headquarters in Cupertino, California.

“They’re definitely reaching a point where, in addition to attracting new users, they’re looking to get their older users to upgrade.”

Joe Brown, editor of Gizmodo Magazine, says he expects the iPhone 5 to be thinner and lighter, with a faster processor and an eight-megapixel camera.  

But we warned: there are also rumors in the tech world that suggest nothing more than an unveiling of a speedier version of Apple’s iPhone 4, all designed to build hype for the forthcoming iPhone 5.

Jeff Monosso, FOX News Radio.