weird wacky stuff

I don’t know who is advising Tiger Woods, but he or she needs to be fired and if its Tiger himself calling the shots he should retire himself from his communication division. Three times he has canceled interviews with investigators ad three times he has canceled them. This fuels more and more speculation and lets shows like TMZ, EXtra, ET, Inside Edition and the E channel program around him. I have to be honest I Dont feel comfortable talking about his marriage issues or affairs that may or may not have happened. I have met Rachel Uchitel the alleged other woman and she is quite attractive and seems to like the camera but I do think she is also overwhelmed with the global interest.

Can’t wait to hear what the President has to say tomorrow and how close his plan is to General McChrystal’s plan. I think we are providledged to have this General in our ranks and would love to see him get his plan approved and the troops level he needs ok’d.

Hope you are enjoying the show..Missed all you people!!