Teaching the Value of Giving

We recently decided our kids were old enough to fully appreciate giving something back to the community and those less fortunate.  We have become a family that appreciate the power of charitable giving–especially AS a family.

Kids today need to learn that it isn’t all about them–it isn’t all about GETTING. It’s about GIVING. And it really is true. What goes around, comes around. This will ALWAYS be true.

I am not sure how it works, but I know it DOES work–the more we give to those who need it, the more comes back to us. It’s a universal law.

This year we decided to raise money for the March of Dimes in their annual March For Babies. It’s a 6 mile walk held around the nation. Ours will be in the San Francisco Bay Area.

The money is raised to support research and programs that enable moms to have full-term pregnancies and healthy babies.

At first, the kids kind of moaned and groaned that they would spend a Saturday morning walking 6 miles around a lake. But once we informed them of all the good that would come out of it, they grew excited to participate and to help out.

If you are interested in more information on how you might be able to contribute time or money or both, please check out this link: http://www.marchforbabies.org/s_team_page.asp?SeId=680100&si.

This is how raising funds SHOULD be…locally, by individuals…one at a time. Everyone always turns to the government for help. I say let’s turn to EACH OTHER and VOLUNTARILY do what we can or wish to do.

Thanks for helping any way you can!

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