Have a Happy Un-Valentine’s Day!

PODCAST: New podcast added today.

My wife and I see eye to eye on many things. Valentine’s Day is one of them. We both agree it’s a holiday that’s cute and sweet when you are a kid growing up. My audio commentary today actually focuses on the tradition of exchanging Valentines in school.

Since we’ve been together, we have not celebrated Valentine’s Day. Why?

Because we don’t want a greeting card culture telling us what to do and when to do it.

Besides, I do something that I highly recommend to all men out there-I buy my Sweetie flowers ALL THE TIME. Some of you only splurge once a year. How sad!

Not only is it not fun or fair to your Honey to buy her nice flowers on “special” days, you are ripping yourselves off at the same time.

I’ve talked about this on my show in the past. Why spend $75 on the same roses you could buy the week before or the day after for $20??

Or how about making darned near impossible dinner reservations for a place that usually has 10 people in it all night during a regular weeknight??

I remember a caller calling me a cheapskate. It has nothing to do with money. It has to do with deciding for yourself whether you are going to let a greeting card maker determine whether or not you spend half your paycheck just because THEY think you are supposed to.

Ladies, ask the man in your life to not make such an effort on Valentine’s Day and to, instead, make smaller efforts all along the way.

And now if you’ll excuse me, I have a plane to New Orleans to catch. My wife and I and our baby girl are off to check out Mardi Gras and some haunted cemeteries. I will update you on the adventure in the next several blog entries.

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