President Obama Makes a Guest Appearance on Jerry Seinfeld’s Web Series

The President made an appearance on a popular web series that includes comedian Jerry Seinfeld…

FOX’s Michelle Pollino reports:

President Obama debuted on Jerry Seinfeld’s ‘Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee’ on Crackle and one of the questions Seinfeld asks is something many may have thought at one time or another…

(Seinfeld) “How many world leaders do you think are just completely out of their mind?”

(President Obama) “A pretty sizable percent.”

(Seinfeld) “Some of these people you must meet them, you must be chatting, and you see in the eyes… You look in the eyes and you go… Oh this guy’s gone.”

He also asked Obama who his favorite President was and Obama waxed poetic about Teddy Roosevelt, he compared politics to one of Americans favorite games, football, and then took off in a 63 Corvette.

You can see the entire interview on

Michelle Pollino, FOX News.