VIRAL VIDEOS: Week of January 25th

Here’s what’s going viral now on Facebook.

“Grandpa Goes Wild – 2013 Taco Bell Game Day Commercial Teaser.”

It’s a sneak peek into the commercial Taco Bell will air during this year’s Super Bowl XLVII. It features an elderly man sneaking onto a football field and joyriding on a souped-up motorized wheelchair… popping wheelies and doing donuts, while being chased by security.

Then, there’s this:

“Barack Obama singing SexyBack by Justin Timberlake.”

In honor of President Barack Obama’s second inauguration, this clip shows the 44th President of the United States performing his rendition of the hit pop song by using auto-tuned clips taken from press conferences.  There’s even a cameo by Vice President Joe Biden.

And, Facebook users are hitting the “like” button on:

“People are Awesome 2013.”

Prepare to be motivated by this high energy supercut that shows people performing extreme acts of athleticism… some that seem to defy gravity, while a pumped-up dance song plays in the background.

For these videos and more, go to

I’m Lauren Faulkner and those are your Facebook Status Updates on FOX News Radio.

Follow Lauren on Twitter:  @FaulknerFOXNews