FOX News Radio

Chad Pergram covers Congress for FOX News. He's earned an Edward R. Murrow Award and the Joan S. Barone Award for his reporting on Capitol Hill.

No one knows who to believe in the current health care debate.

Sen. Ted Kennedy's (D-MA) health condition haunted Chad Pergram almost daily during his journeys around the Capitol.

Congressional aides share something in common with first graders. The most hallowed word in their respective lexicons is recess. And Congress is on recess right now.

Despite President Obama's big win last year, Democrats and Republicans are already scrambling for next year's midterm elections.

Chad Pergram asks what happens if you went to a town hall meeting and a hockey fight breaks out.

Protesters are waging guerilla warfare on President Obama's health care reform plan.

The impact of a Congressional hearing more than four years ago still reverberates through Major League Baseball.

A proposal to potentially close nearly 700 post offices around the country presents both danger and opportunity to lawmakers.

A vote for health care reform, coupled with a vote for the climate-energy bill, has the potential to doom the electoral chances of some moderate Democrats.

A schism among House Democrats threatens to torpedo the heath care reform bill.

You thought the Ides of March were foreboding? You should try out the Ides of August in the news business.

Democratic Congressional leaders are searching for an elusive "spoonful of sugar" to make the health care medicine go down.

The legislative process is often described as messy. Muddled. Exasperating. But sometimes, it can be downright cruel.

The latest flap between Congress and the CIA leaves reporters scratching their heads about what really the truth.

Republicans have driven up the name recognition of the salt marsh harvest mouse to levels rivaling other popular culture critters like Jerry of Tom and Jerry fame, Mickey Mouse and Stuart Little.

Professional athletes have theme songs. How about politicians.

Congress doesn't read the bills it votes on. And it might not matter.

Democrats will soon hold 60 Senate seats. But that doesn't mean they can accomplish President Obama's signature policy goals.