FOX News Radio

Chad Pergram covers Congress for FOX News. He's earned an Edward R. Murrow Award and the Joan S. Barone Award for his reporting on Capitol Hill.

It's clear that after last week's health care reform bill that one party compromised on a key point. And one party did not.

The health care reform bill appears to be on a collision course with the weekend in the House of Representatives.

If lawmakers don't get everything they want in a piece of legislation, all they have to do is stomp their feet and look forward to the "manager's amendment."

Some Halloween tales from political Washington from Congressional Cemetery and the U.S. Capitol.

Chad Pergram describes the role of the whip in passing major pieces of legislation.

Chad Pergram explains how a spat over a California water bill has derailed efforts to honor the UC Irvine men's volleyball team.

Chad Pergram explores how the role of the "floor watchdog" is evolving in the House of Representatives.

House Republicans took another stab at trying to strip Ways and Means Committee Chairman Charlie Rangel (D-NY) of his gavel Wednesday.

Why is it still necessary to print a hard copy of the Congressional Record each day?

"You die!" may be the new mantra on Capitol Hill.

The Fall Follies have arrived in Washington, DC.

You've heard of the "fog of war?" Try the "fog of health care."

A confusing vote on the House floor Thursday regarding ACORN creates a unique political dynamic for both political parties.

The effort to discipline Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) for heckling President Obama became an "teachable moment" for everyone.

The government is growing at an unprecedented pace. But the trend is evident if you look around Capitol Hill at its brick and mortar projects.

Perhaps it was inevitable that President Obama's speech on health care to a Joint Session of Congress would momentarily divolve into a town meeting.

Members of Congress endured vitriolic town hall meetings through the month of August. Now it's time for the president to have his town hall with lawmakers.

Chad Pergram pays tribute to music legend Erich Kunzel who conducted at the Capitol each year.