FOX News Radio

Chad Pergram covers Congress for FOX News. He's earned an Edward R. Murrow Award and the Joan S. Barone Award for his reporting on Capitol Hill.

The death of a key Congressional staffer isn't any way to start a year. It wasn't any way to end a year, either.

The health care reform battle entered its final stage this week.

An outline of the battles to be waged in 2010 on Capitol Hill.

Look closely. And some might find artwork in the Capitol Rotunda rather disturbing.

Televising meetings on health care reform is a noble idea. Only that's not how American government works.

Friday's thwarted terrorist attack proves that the fire is still as hot now as it was on September 11th.

A "turducken" is roasting in the Congressional kitchen this holiday season.

A big Senate vote on health care reform disrupted the usual nighttime rhythms of the Capitol early Monday morning.

If anyone wants to get a sense of how moderate Democrats from swing districts may vote in 2010, just look at two close votes in the House Wednesday.

Look for Democratic Congressional leaders to load everything including the proverbial kitchen sink into a final defense spending bill to finish out the legislative year.

The holiday spirit seems to have avoided Capitol Hill this year.

Sunday sessions in the Senate could have many on Capitol Hill thinking they've been cast in the cult movie classic "Office Space."

What happens when reality TV wannabes decline an opportunity to appear on the world's largest reality TV soundstage? They get subpoenaed.

The United States is now fighting in Afghanistan. But also, in Vietnam.

The "celebritization" of Washington could interfere with the truly serious nature of work done in Washington.

Professional athletes aren't the only ones who bear nicknames.

Relations between the press and politicos can sometimes be dicey at best.

Congressional Democratic leaders are struggling to put the abortion genie back in the bottle on the health care reform bill.

Congressional bipartisanship appears to have lasted precisely 25 seconds when it comes to an inquiry about what happened earlier this month at Fort Hood.

The federal judge who sentenced former Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) to 13 years in prison is concerned about the scourge of corruption on Capitol Hill.