FOX News Radio

Chad Pergram covers Congress for FOX News. He's earned an Edward R. Murrow Award and the Joan S. Barone Award for his reporting on Capitol Hill.

This will be the make or break week for health care reform. And FOX's Chad Pergram spells out the complex process with this "Hitchhiker's Guide."

Who's the most-powerful figure in Washington these days? The Parliamentarian.

March 3, 2010 was eerily similar to September 29, 2006 on Capitol Hill.

Perhaps Congressional Democrats should consult Lewis Carroll to for methods to pass the health care reform bill.

President Obama and Congressional leaders huddled at the White House Thursday over health care reform. But it was far from the only game in town.

Today's health care summit at the White House is reminiscent of old U.S.-Soviet Union summit meetings during the Cold War.

Want to understand why Democrats are having trouble passing health care reform? Chad Pergram says they got involved in a land war in Asia.

The FBI may have "Hogan's Alley." But the U.S. Capitol Police also have their own training center that mimics the Capitol.

The election of Sen.-elect Scott Brown (R-MA) could help Democrats this fall. If they hit the books.

An African American woman who helped register blacks to vote 60 years ago finally got to meet the first African American president at the State of the Union speech Wednesday night.

Had you told Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC) he'd be as famous as he is now, he may have responded with just two words: you lie.

Tareq and Michaele Salahi "appeared" at a Capitol Hill hearing probing how they allegedly crashed a White House state dinner last year. "Appeared" is about all the couple did.

Victory by Sen.-elect Scott Brown (R-MA) could spell the end of the health care reform effort.