Lindsey Graham: Nobody Is Listening To Rand Paul In The Republican Party Anymore About National Security

“Who in their right mind wants to make Rand Paul commander in chief? Leading from behind is the Obama strategy….Obama doesn’t want to be Bush. You know what? Rand Paul doesn’t want to be Obama. …. Here is what I will tell you, nobody is listening to Rand Paul in the Republican Party anymore about national security.”

—Lindsey Graham responding to Rand Paul’s comments on Kilmeade & Friends last week when he said Senator Graham is endangering the country just about as much or more than anybody else & is part of the contingent who has been arming ISIS and the allies of ISIS

2016 GOP Presidential Candidate, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC), joined Kilmeade & Friends to talk about President Obama’s speech in the Oval Office last night on the San Bernardino shootings & what needs to be done to defeat ISIL. Plus, Sen. Graham’s challenge to republicans to support his resolution that will authorize going after ISIL with no time or geographic constraints and his response to Senator Paul saying he is endangering the country just about as much or more than anybody else.

Watch here:

Lindsey Graham on Rand Paul

“Who in their right mind wants to make Rand Paul commander in chief? Leading from behind is the Obama strategy. Do you think that’s working? Obama doesn’t want to be Bush. You know what? Rand Paul doesn’t want to be Obama. He supported leaving Iraq. Here is what I will tell you, nobody is listening to Rand Paul in the Republican Party anymore about national security. Here is what Rand doesn’t get, this is a religious war. It’s not about Syria, Libya and Iraq or Afghanistan, it’s about a religious ideology that compels people to kill people in the faith.”

Lindsey Graham’s challenge to the Republican Party

“Here is the challenge to Republicans: Would you support an authorization to use military force not limited by geography, time or means against ISIL? And if you won’t, why do you want to limit the ability of the United States, now or in the future, to destroy this hateful ideology?”

Graham on Obama wanting a limited authorization to go after ISIL

“We have a community organizer who is trying not to be like Bush. He is committing malpractice as commander in chief. Any commander in chief that would ask congress to limit his ability to destroy an existential threat to our homeland, a direct threat to our homeland, has lost their way.”

Click here to watch Brian and Sen Graham talk after the radio interview ended about Sen. Rand Paul being more personable than Sen. Ted Cruz and which GOP presidential candidates he would like to have a beer with.