Lets talk your money
The lines didn’t light up when I talked mosque/./they didn’t light up when we talked about Joe Biden’s irrational ratings but they did go crazy when I asked you to talk about YOU> yes your personal economic outlook is what is missing on the national stage..You people are not whiners you are doers and you have been taught to stand up and shout when things go wrong..It makes so much sense to talk to voters residents and find out what concerns them,,But the questions have to come from people with no agenda and I have not agenda..Too many professors are running the govt and not enough workers and business people. The President has to deal in republicans and people friendly to big business…And for my money he needs to do it before the election —not after..but I will take either..
I get the sense that Gary Berntsen will take a real run at Chuck Schumer and find it strange that all of wall street is afraid of him, Gary is a guy who hunted UBL in the caves and can’t believe big biz does not sound off on the dems.
Have a great weekend…thks so much for listening