Stephen Moore: Trump’s Economy Beats the Biden-Harris Economy “On Almost Every Single Measurement”

Stephen Moore, Distinguished Fellow in Economics at the Heritage Foundation, founder of Club for Growth, and author of The Trump Economic Miracle: And the Plan to Unleash Prosperity Again, joined The Guy Benson Show today to break down why Donald Trump continues to resonate with Americans on critical “pocketbook” issues compared to Kamala Harris. Moore and Guy reviewed Trump’s recent Bloomberg town hall, highlighting the former president’s strong performance, and Moore explained why he believes Kamala’s energy and economic policies will ultimately hurt American wallets and drive prices even higher. Listen to the full interview below!

Full Interview:

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Moore had this to say on Trump’s “winning” economy:

“You know, that is his winning issue, what I call the ‘pocketbook issues,’ Guy. The issues that affect every American when they are at the kitchen table paying their bills. And when you look at Trump’s record versus Biden slash Harris, there’s no comparison. Almost every, and Trump made this point, that on almost every single measurement, the economy did much better for families and businesses and workers under Trump.”