Democrats Don’t Care About All Women

Democrats talk about abortion and women’s rights but we don’t hear much of anything about the slew of young American women being targeted, stalked, raped, strangled and murdered by the illegal aliens Democrats have welcomed across our open southern border. 

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

The two year anniversary of the Dobbs decision overturning Roe v Wade has the Democrats talking about women’s rights but we’ve heard little from them on the young American women raped and murdered by the illegal aliens Democrats have welcomed across our open border. 

Democrats avoid the names of the young women raped or killed because they can’t explain it or blame it on Trump.

But really, they view the Americans raped or murdered by illegal aliens as acceptable loss. They are willing to accept you and I as collateral damage in their scheme to get future voters, pad the census and increase their representation in Congress. 

Democrats are fine with bankrupting cities- even their own- over this.

They’re willing to gloss over the national security risks this little experiment poses. 

They’re willing to sit idly by as their illegal aliens rape and murder the most vulnerable among us if it gets them a fast and reliable track to everlasting power and ain’t’ that sick? 

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at