Tyler Cherry Hits DEI Bingo

The White House promotion of Tyler Cherry, a non-binary individual who will now serve as an associate communications director, is raising some eyebrows…

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next. 

Just when you thought Joe couldn’t outdo his streak of DEI picks, the White House threw Tyler Cherry on top.

Tyler Cherry, non-binary individual, will now serve as an associate communications director. 

His history of controversial,  anti-white, anti-Israel, and anti-law enforcement social media posts are raising some eyebrows, and for obvious reasons.

After some backlash Cherry tweeted that his old tweets do not reflect his current view but note he wasn’t 15 at the time of these tweets but rather pushing 30.

Calling for the abolishment of ICE and sympathizing with terror networks isn’t out of the ordinary for that motley crew over there at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Quite frankly, I would be more shocked if that team appointed a male who didn’t wear a mess crop top with appliqué rose petals…

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at Outkick.com