Barbie Fans BLAST Shakira

International pop star Shakira is being slammed by fans for daring to criticize the almighty “Barbie” movie.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

Woke fans are furious with pop singer Shakira for daring to criticize the Barbie movie. 

In an interview Shakira voiced her displeasure with what she felt was an “emasculating” tone struck by the blockbuster film. 

As the mother of two young boys, Shakira wasn’t happy with the way the Barbie movie chose to display masculinity and correctly noted that men don’t need to be made a mockery of in order to empower women. 

She’s not wrong and she’s also well within her rights to express that perspective!

Some critics of her comments even went so far as to call her anti-feminist for her take on the movie, which is absurd. 

I happened to personally like the Barbie movie and never expected to glean realistic life lessons from a movie about a plastic doll. HOWEVER, who are fans to tell Shakira how to think and feel?!

Why are some public figures celebrated for voicing their beliefs and others lambasted for speaking up?

I guess Shakira failed to walk the “woke” line but that’s just too bad!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at