National Press Secretary for Vivek Ramaswamy Caroline Sunshine joins Fox Across America With guest host Todd Piro to shed light on how Hollywood has shifted its main focus from producing television shows and movies which will make the most money to releasing content that promotes Left-wing ideas and values.

“You know, I was thinking about this with the Oscars coming up because growing up as a little girl, the Oscars were my Super Bowl. You know, I just loved watching the Oscars and tuning in. And it was so aspirational and inspirational to me. And then, of course, working on the Disney Channel for a long time, that company was very family focused, and I was actually so proud to work on series that I felt parents could allow their children to watch those series and know that, it was sort of a, I hate to use the word safe space, but there was a safe place of entertainment for their children. And boy, in the last, you know, it’s probably been, the last 5 or 7 years now, you’ve just seen that all turn right on its head. I think the Oscars are absolutely unbearable to watch. I mean, who wants to turn into an award show to hear some bad Trump jokes and be told you’re a racist? And here’s some films you’ve never heard of. And then same thing with children’s content, which I think is is much more nefarious. But our children don’t really have content anymore that isn’t pushing an agenda on them constantly. And I think it’s so nefarious to use something as innocent as content for children and use it as a platform to push ideology. So let’s be honest, create nothing but chaos and confusion for them. It’s really actually evil. And I think at some point, Hollywood should really wake up to Hollywood’s always been a bottom line town. You know, at some point this is a moneymaking endeavor. And, you just look at the ratings continue to sink. You go, who’s watching this content? I don’t know, maybe the, small percentage of liberal White women who buy books at target. I don’t know, but there’s a much larger audience out there that they just continue to shun and hate. And it’s to their own detriment. It’s really a stupid endeavor.”

Listen to the podcast to hear everything Todd and Caroline discussed!

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