Riley Gaines on Why She Fights for Women’s Rights in Sports: “We’re Fighting for the Next Generation”

Riley Gaines, Director of The Riley Gaines Center at the Leadership Institute, a member of the 2022 University of Kentucky swim team, and advisor for Independent Women’s Voice, joined the Guy Benson Show today to discuss the trend more and more biological males competing against biological women in sports. Gaines and Benson discuss the necessity to protect women’s rights in the sports field, and Gaines details why she’s fighting for this issue. Listen to the full interview below.

Full Interview:

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Gaines had this to say on why she’s fighting for women’s rights in sports:

“I didn’t see it as a problem. But now it’s undeniable. And I feel I feel compelled to speak about it. Right? Because I feel like I’m fighting for my future daughter or for my younger sister. That’s who we’re fighting for, the next generation.”