Anchor of “Fox News Sunday” Shannon Bream joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to give her take on whether former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has enough momentum to pull off a surprise outcome in the New Hampshire presidential primary.

“You know there are more undeclared voters in this state. They’re the biggest group of voters, bigger than the GOP and the Democrat folks, their registrations. So if you have more than 300,000 people here undeclared and they actually show up and go vote in the GOP primary, which they can, that would actually be huge. And New Hampshire has done some crazy stuff in the past that was unexpected. Not that I’m saying going for Nikki Haley is crazy. I’m just saying they’ve upset the polls and done all kinds of things. The Boston Globe’s editorial endorsement of her this weekend basically was making that argument, saying, you got to save this country from Trump or it’s the end of democracy. Show up independents and vote for Nikki Haley on Tuesday and really make this a race. So if that happens, okay, interesting. And we continue on. But her team is saying today, no matter what happens, they’re staying in through the next month or two where they’re going to be 20 or more state contests, including the big prizes on Super Tuesday.”

Shannon and Jimmy also talk about how Haley appears to have enough donors and money to stay in the race, even if she loses in New Hampshire. Listen to the podcast to hear what else she had to say!

PLUS, don’t forget to pre-order your copy of Jimmy’s upcoming book!

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