Texas Republican Congressman Wesley Hunt joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to explain why border security is likely to be one of the key issues that motivates people to get out and vote in the 2024 presidential election.

“It’s important for us to continue to talk about this every single day, to continue to put pressure on Democrats to get this right. And we cannot wait until November to get this right. We need to start fixing this yesterday. When you think about 8 million people entering our country illegally, that’s absolute insanity. As a military guy deployed to countries all over the world, no country behaves this way because that’s how you erode the very fabric of a country, if there if there is no border. And that’s why Republicans like myself are freaking out about it. And that’s why the American public is freaking out about it. That’s why President Trump is going to win in November, literally because of the border. And we can’t harp on this enough because the second we stop, they feel like there is no problem. So on shows like yours and whenever I’m on the Hill, it is the border. It is the border. It is the border. We cannot allow fentanyl to continue to pour to our country, killing our Americans and our children. And we must have a sovereign border if we’re going to be a nation.”

Rep. Hunt also talks about how advocating for more security at the U.S. Southern border does not make you racist or xenophobic. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!

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