Circle Around Trump

After a history-making victory in Iowa, it’s time for conservatives to rally around Donald Trump.

I’m Tomi Lahren, more next.

There’s no two ways about it, Iowa was a blowout victory for Donald Trump. It was also a good night for conservatism, given Nikki Haley took third and did NOT overcome Governor Ron DeSantis.

But now is the time to face the music for the DeSantis campaign. They bet it all on Iowa and Trump still ran away with the caucus, by a lot.

Reality has set in, no matter what DeSantis does at this point, he will not overtake Donald Trump. It’s time to pack it in, go back to Florida, govern like hell and then come back swinging in 2028.

I firmly believe DeSantis is the future of the GOP AND America First movement, but he needs to cut his losses sooner than later to preserve his strength for the next fight ahead.

The base has spoken and the base still belongs to Donald Trump. Now is the time to circle the wagons around Trump and fight like hell to get him back in the White House and defeat not only Joe, but the Leftists who have been working overtime to destroy America!

I’m Tomi Lahren and you watch my show “Tomi Lahren is Fearless” at