Ohio Republican Congressman and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on the magnitude of the humanitarian crisis taking place at the U.S. Southern border, a problem he says can be attributed to the Biden administration’s ineffective immigration policies.

“I said last week when we were down there at the border and had 60 some members of Congress there, I think the largest delegation ever, with Speaker Johnson. We’re on pace to reach 12 million in the Biden presidency. And that’s the equivalent of the entire population of Ohio. And I tell people, we’re not a small state. We’re the seventh largest state in the country. Twelve million people in a four year time span, deliberately, intentionally, willfully done by the policies they’ve implemented, that is the magnitude and the cause of the problem. And the solution is to implement the legislation we’ve done, to go back to the policies of President Trump, or frankly, I said last week, just we need to get one sentence in a spending bill that says no money can be used to process or release into the country any new migrants. So you either say when you get to the border, sorry, you can’t come in, or if you come in, we’re going to detain you. That stops the incentive, which now is all to come, to the greatest country in the world. We can’t fault them for wanting to come here. But you’ve got to fault the Biden administration for what they’ve allowed to happen.”

Rep. Jordan and Jimmy also discuss the Pentagon’s lack of transparency over Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s recent stint in the ICU. To hear what else he had to say, listen to the podcast!

PLUS, don’t forget to pre-order your copy of Jimmy’s upcoming book!

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