Sen. Marshall on Secretary Austin’s Absence: “This is Very Consistent With (Biden’s) Incompetence”

Sen. Roger Marshall, Senator from Kansas and medical doctor, joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the latest push to initiate a vote of no confidence for Secretary Mayorkas due to the unmanaged crisis on the southern border of the United States. Benson and Sen. Marshall also discuss the health crisis surrounding Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, and they discuss both the medical and political significance of Austin missing time unannounced as the Secretary of Defense. In the wake of calls to resign, the White House said that they didn’t anticipate his resignation or firing, and Marshall calls for Austin’s resignation. Listen to the full interview below.

Full interview:

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Sen. Marshall had this to say on Secretary Austin’s mysterious leave:

“Joe Biden doesn’t know where he is half of the time. So why would he care where his department, his secretary of defense is? This is very consistent with their incompetence.”