Victor Davis Hanson: Israel is Being Attacked Because “(Other Countries) are Terrified of Israel”

Victor Davis Hanson, Martin and Illie Anderson Senior Fellow, historian, and writer, joined the Guy Benson Show to discuss the significance of the timing of the invasion of Israel and the “50th Anniversary War”.  Benson and Hanson also discuss the significance of the left and the Biden Administration’s policy contributing the attack. As Israel continues to defend it’s borders, Hamas continues to beat and mutilate civilians. Listen to the full interview below live from the Hoover Institution.

Listen to the full interview below:

Listen to the full podcast:

Hanson had this to say on the motivations of Hamas and on Israel’s response to the attacks:

“They are obsessed with killing Jews… There’s no reason to do that. They don’t have to do that… The reason countries are furious at Israel is because they’re terrified of Israel. Israel is not going to listen to anybody. They’re going to take care of business.”