Talk Radio host on KTTH in Seattle Jason Rantz joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on how the rampant crime taking place in major U.S. cities such as Chicago, Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles is throttling major retailers, in addition to small businesses.

“Target closes a handful of shops. It’s a story. It’s an important story for the reasons why they’re doing it. But consider all of those smaller businesses that have not survived. You had not just a COVID economy. On top of that, you’re dealing with the rampant crime, having someone break into your business. I talk to folks in Western Washington all the time. So Washington State banned vehicular pursuits for officers. They cannot chase you. So guess what happens? People are stealing cars. We’ve seen a surge, and the last two weeks, every single day we’ve seen at least one case of a stolen vehicle driving through a storefront, crooks getting out, stealing what they can, getting into another stolen car, and then just driving away. By the way, you do not have to speed away because the cops cannot chase you. It is ridiculous.”

To hear what else he had to say to Jimmy, listen to the podcast!