Texas Republican Congressman Pat Fallon joins Fox Across America With Jimmy Failla to shed light on the Biden administration’s hypocrisy regarding the supposed “urgent threat” that climate change poses to our planet.

“I had a very interesting exchange with the Secretary of the Navy. And he said during an Armed Services Committee hearing that the greatest threat to the country, you know, ask people what they think the answer is, what do they think the greatest threat to the country is? I would presume I would say, I don’t know, maybe China. I would say, you know, our prolific spending, our deficit spending, certainly a wide open border, etc.. There’s a lot of genuine threats. He said climate change. So I had to take issue with that. So I asked him, I said, Mr. Secretary,  has the United States increased or decreased our carbon footprint over the last 20 years? He didn’t know. It has, of course, decreased by almost 25 percent, largest decrease in history by any nation. I said, what about China in that same period of time? He didn’t know. I said it’s increased by 300 percent. So by your own definition, China is a greater threat, you know, even using your criteria. So come on, man.”

Rep. Fallon also gives an update on the House Oversight Committee’s probe into Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Listen to the podcast to hear what else he had to say!